A summer school for graduate students
Paleoclimate Training in Climate Archives, Models, and Proxies
A cross-disciplinary approach to paleoclimatology.
paleoCAMP is a 2-week summer school for graduate students in paleoclimatology, hosted at a rotating location in the American West. The school’s mission is to provide vital cross-disciplinary training for the next generation of climate scientists; provide an optimal environment for networking and mentoring of rising stars in paleoclimatology; and promote diversity and inclusive practices in order to encourage retention of underrepresented groups in the Geosciences.
Paleoclimatology encompasses many subdisciplines and skill sets. Our approach at paleoCAMP is to provide baseline training in a variety of techniques (proxies, modeling, statistics) across different geological timescales, with a focus on big questions in Earth History.
Organizers & Instructors
Find out about the organizers and their background.
See our curriculum page and FAQ page for more information!